
Know Risk, Know Reward.


Understand economic concepts such as the value of time and money through games and challenges.


Discover the world of finance and trading, the logic of trading and the related mathematical tools.


Learn about the applications and professions associated with the economy and finance in order to make better career choices.

Time and money business concept. Sandglass and money


Assimilate economic fundamentals including the concepts of market, price and return/risk.

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency On The Tablet


Participate in trading and book management activities to put into practice the notions acquired.

Growing coins stacks with green and blue sparkling bokeh background. Chess figures standing on coins


Identify finance professions to understand their specificities and how they intertwine with other fields.

Risky Games

Oppotunities & Risks

Youth [ 12 - 18 years ]

These activities take students on a game-like adventure where they test their reasoning skills and learn to develop effective strategies for winning.

The concepts are inspired by economics, game theory, mathematics and algorithmics. Everything is designed in a simplified and gamified manner that is age appropriate .

The students’ rationality is put to the test to illustrate the decision-making process in a risky context, taking into account time and cooperation between agents.

Limited number of seats.
Available all year round.

Crypto Minds

Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

Youth [ 9 - 16 years ]

An exceptional program of activities centered around the economic and technological challenges of blockchain. Awareness of the related risks and opportunities is necessary.

The concepts of cryptography, blockchain, risk and supercomputers are introduced in an intuitive way. Trading and derivatives are also covered.

In these workshops, students learn about concrete applications of mathematics, computer science and physics to the economy. Essential notions for thinking about tomorrow’s world.

Limited number of seats.
Available all year round.

Little Traders

Trading & Fintechs
Youth [ 12 - 18 years ]

Financial skills are very useful in adult life. Unfortunately, school programs neglect these aspects. We address this in an extracurricular setting.

The participants benefit from a playful financial training via economic games and Fintech tools, in order to weave links between probabilities and risk management.

Students learn the fundamentals that govern the value of time, money and trust. They also learn about the financial professions and the skills they require.

Limited number of seats.
Available all year round.

Tiny Nation

Economic leadership

Youth [ 9 - 16 years ]

This activity puts students in a position to make decisions about common impacts. The goal is to prepare them for collective and economic management from an early age to make them future leaders.

Collective management games are designed to put participants in various situations such asresource allocation, cooperation, competition or crisis management.

Through these activities, students learn the keys to economic prosperity. They also see related applications in financial mathematics and industrial physics.

Limited number of seats.
Available all year round.