For the benefit of young people with gaps in algorithmic skills. A personalized course is set up.
Students with small gaps or who have not been able to follow or master certain aspects in particular.
Learn to give autonomy to its robots by equipping them with increasingly intelligent algorithms.
Learn the basics of logic and algorithms through various games and challenges.
Learn to program and interact with hardware using scratch to understand programming.
Develop various applications in Python to solve problems inspired by reality.
Scratch-based activities are designed for young people to introduce them to algorithms without losing them in the technical jargon.
Initial Coding uses Scratch to develop games or program robots. Particularly recommended for beginners in computer science.
Rich and cross-disciplinary, these activities intersect with several disciplines to provide a stimulating initial experience; serving as a foundation for other more technical modules like Let’s Algo or Speak Python.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not programming that builds an innovative thinking paradigm.
A good developer first knows his machine well, he conceptualizes methods to solve problems as efficiently as possible taking into account the resources.
By attending these workshops, you will learn the basics of algorithmic and programming languages. The prerequisites to approach development and data science in all serenity.
These workshops are an introduction to programming languages with a focus on the Python language. Essential language for science and research.
The activity involves learning on the job through fun projects before moving on to general conceptualization.
Upon completion of this program, you would be ready to develop a variety of applications, and you could enroll in Machine Teachers or Web Apps Jr. to take it a step further.
Embark on the world of Framework enterprise and connected applications. This module introduces you to data management, web applications and computer security.
Very advanced concepts are simplified and gamified. Concepts such as project management, functional aspects, agile methods, notions of client, server, interfaces etc…
This program takes you on an exciting journey where you learn the fundamental skills of the digital world. It is recommended that you take Initial Coding and Speak Python beforehand.
These activities offer an immersion for young people into the world of data science, applied mathematics, analytics and artificial intelligence.
The workshops are based on games and challenges inspired by real-life applications. Students will have fun programming AI-based players, processing images or making predictions.
This program is recommended for students wishing to continue their studies in engineering. However, it is recommended that you take Speak Python to be able to solve the advanced challenges.